by Josh Fichter and Erich Suellentrop

AUG Sep 2003
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First comic Previous comic



Site News:

Posted by Staff: Hey all! That right it is you kind staff here at RHD. I know you have been waiting to hear what will          happen to this infant project. While with the holidays over and springtime upon us, we have decided to try a re-launch. Josh has been slaving away at comic creation in order to give us some more breathing room. We even found so more unwitting knaves to help with getting sprites and background shots. Give us a few more weeks and we will be launching with much fanfare and merry making. - March 12th, 2004




Bobbo's Side

Point: I like rusty hard drive the web comic

Mknzy Side

Counter Point: I do not like rusty hard drive. I do really but as I am the counter point I must say something counter to that numbskull over there. Silly man. (and or woman) With a name like bobbo it could go either way.

Rusty Hard Drive is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.